Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hello, people!

This is a long-dead blog.

It's funny to read through what I've written throughout my long years as a student facing cultural shocks and hoping to be understood. From the last entry to this one, basically what I went through was the exact transition of my studying life to my working life. Dreams were confronted with reality - or some say the lack of guts to pursue our dreams (I insist that it could be a lack of talent or a discrepancy between what you love and what you're good at... anyway). I do believe that the whole evolution is interesting and is worth sharing.

Please please encourage me if you like what I wrote. I'm always having this idea to start a brand new blog and the format and content are always on my mind, but you know, full-time working is a trap, exactly like growing up!...

Communication has changed a lot since I first started to blog, with our daily use of smartphone, facebook, twitter, instagram and whatsoever. This article, written just before the "rentrée" 2014, is a proof to myself that I feel strong enough to get connected with the world once again. So this is Louis or Ka Lun, the same person but a little different every since, saying that,

"Here I come again!"